My Hospice Story

My Hospice Story: Candace McKibben

Director of Supportive Care Services, Big Bend Hospice


“As a hospice chaplain, I have had many opportunities to be inspired and touched by the meaningful work in which we are engaged.  I recall being at the bedside of a patient who seemed comfortable as long as he was asleep. Our expert medical staff was carefully monitoring his medications to be sure we were managing his symptoms.  Still, when he would awaken for a very brief period of time, he would cry out and his arms would flail about and his dear wife would step up to the bed, gently take his arms in her arms and say, “I am here and I love you.” He would immediately calm and go back to sleep. For me, it has become a wonderful metaphor for what families mean to the dying, what our services mean to the dying, and what God does for us all.  This is but one of countless stories that has enriched my life and made me forever grateful for the opportunity to work in hospice care.”