2009 Excellence in Program Innovation Winner (Clinical Practice) – Where Are They Now?

“Resource Books For Children And Teens”



Give us an update on your winning program…Is it still in existence? How has it changed or grown since you were first recognized? How has your program affected patient and/or community outcomes?

We were nominated for a clinical excellence award for the creation of two clinical bereavement books, which are both still in existence and used on a daily basis in our program with our community. 

One book is a suicide survivor book for children (Are you Like Me?); which was created by the team with Eric Schliech as the project lead. This concept originated due to a chronic shortage in appropriate support materials for children following the death of a loved one by suicide. Since 2009, the book has been used by numerous hospice and brv programs throughout the country and additionally has been endorsed and added to the bibliography for the American Academy of Suicidology, as a recommended reading.

The second product was a bereavement manual created for the professional interested in facilitating bereavement groups with children. Suncoast Hospice has dedicated over 20 years to children’s bereavement issues and understands the importance of how untreated grief can wreck havoc on a young person’s life. As a result our team, with Elizabeth and I as the project leads, created a user friendly resource to assist professionals to support children who have experience a significant loss. We have had several organizations inquire and purchase the manual as a reference tool. One specific hospice in the Northeast wanted to extend their services to bereaved children and with both a consultation by our team and the manual they were able to begin a similar program in their community; which is now in its second year.


How can people find out more about your winning program?

You can view or purchase the product at the Suncoast Hospice Institute web page, click e-store and select the pediatric section. The website is as follows: http://www.suncoastinstitute.org/


Hospice Journey:

“The depth of programs offered by Suncoast Hospice has afforded us the ability to help many people in our community including those facing an unexpected death or tragedy. The ability to be present and provide guidance and support to those in need has forever changed my life. Everyday I am humbled by the strength and resilience of the human spirit. This work gives me a great appreciation for all that I have and all that I love.”


The three people pictured are Eric Schliech, LCSW, Elizabeth Coddington, RLMHC, and I (in the red). One picture is of us receiving the award and the other is with the two products at our Suncoast Institute Booth.