Facilitating Difficult Conversations

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if people just listened to our advice and then took action? Yet, too often there are communication and emotional obstacles that stand in the way. Learn how motivate non-compliant clients to get past their personal barriers, and how to deal with denial and other emotions that interfere with good decision making by attending this session. Also see Viki Kind demonstrate person-centered communication techniques that can help aid families and professionals who are struggling to balance both respecting and protecting the person in their care.


Speaker: Viki Kind, MA, Clinical Bioethicist, Kind Ethics

Viki Kind is a clinical bioethicist, medical educator, hospice volunteer and award winning author of The Caregiver’s Path to Compassionate Decision Making – Making Choices for Those Who Can’t. She has lectured across the United States teaching healthcare professionals to have integrity, compassion and to improve end-of-life care through better communication. Viki provides bioethics consultation and support for many hospitals in the Los Angeles area.

She holds a master’s degree in bioethics from the Medical College of Wisconsin. Patients, families and healthcare professionals rely on Viki’s practical approach for dealing with challenging healthcare dilemmas. Viki is also an honorary board member of the Well Spouse Association and has been a caregiver for many years for four members of her family.